Posted by Fit Kids of America on Thursday, April 16, 2020
terminal (p. 5): area of an airport
characters (p. 6): written symbols
Chinese (p. 6): language spoken in China
rumbling (p. 11): deep, loud sound
concrete (p. 19): made of cement
engineer (p. 19): person who drives a train
squeeze (p 20): press affectionately
copy (p, 22): make something that is exactly like something else
tracing (p. 22): drawing lines over
generation (p. 27): all the people born around the same time
motioned (p. 28): signaled with a hand movement
strokes (p. 28): lines drawn with a pen
hen hao (p. 28): very good (Chinese)
whistle (p.32): device that makes a high—pitched sound