Fit Kids Reading Corner

My Great-Aunt Arizona Read Aloud with Chris

Posted by Fit Kids of America on Thursday, April 16, 2020


Word Search

My Great Aunt Arizona Wordsearch
My Great Aunt Arizona


Comprehension Questions


Write a sentence with each word.

Cool Words!

bay horse (p, 4): horse with brownish red fur and a black tail and mane
cavalry (p. 6): group of soldiers who ride on horses
petticoats (p. 7): underskirts
square dance (p, 11): Western dance with eight people dancing together galax and ginseng roots (p. 12): plants
tap (p. 13): drill a hole in a tree to drain the sap (in this context}
blab (p. 14): (idiom) talk a lot; chatter
William Matrimmatoe (p. 16): traditional group game that involves a chant

sawmill (p. 22): machine that saws logs


Draw and write about the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Draw and write about your favorite part of the story.

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