Posted by Fit Kids of America on Monday, April 13, 2020
sparkles (p. 1): looks happy and bright
Mexico (p. 1): Spanish-speaking country south of the
United States
station wagon (p. 2): car with lots of storage space
battered (p, 2): worn and beaten-up
cooler (p. 2): box that keeps food and drinks cold
labor manager (p. 2): person in charge of the workers on a farm
nervous (p. 4): worried
border (p, 4): imaginary line that separates two countries
legal (p.4): allowed by the law
farm workers (p. 4): people who are hired to work on other
people’s farms
papeles/papers (p. 4): official papers that allow people from other
countries to live and work in the United States
sun-filled (p. 4): bright and warm
mijo/my son (p. 6): Spanish pet name for a boy
imitates (pt 7): acts like
shooting star (p. 7): star that flies across the sky
nena/little one (p. 8): Spanish pet name for a girl
burro (p:13): small donkey
winter wool (p.13): thick coat that sheep grow to stay
warmtinsel (p. 14): shiny, silver material used in Christmas decorations
plow (p. 17); farming tool that breaks up hard dirt
oxen (p. 17): large cowlike animals that work on farm
bulge (p. 18): fill up and swell
stammer (p.18): say slowly with lots of pauses
Christmas-coming moon (p.21): bright full moon in
late December
pajamas (p. 21): clothes for sleeping in
Angelitos (p. 22): little angels (Spanish)
weird (p. 22): strange and unusual