Posted by Fit Kids of America on Thursday, April 16, 2020
babbling (p. 1): making sounds like a stream
penny whistle (p. 5): plastic toy that makes a high—pitched noise
creaked (p. 6): squeaked
fluttering 6): flapping rapidly, like a bird’s wings
ping (p. 8): noise from a small bell
bong (p. 8): noise from a large bell
chiming (p. 8): ringing
swished 8): moved with a soft rustling sound
whined 8): made a high—pitched noise
clattered (p. 13): made a loud rattling sound
whooped (p. 13): made a sound of rushing air
brandishing (p. 13): shaking
peppery (p. 13): spicy
barreled (p. 23): speedily crashed
a face like a crack in the ice (p. 23): crooked and evil—looking
scowling (p. 23): frowning
flickers (p. 24): short sparkles
mutterings (p. 24): quiet rumblings
patter (p. 24): light quick sounds
daintily 26): carefully, delicately