Posted by Fit Kids of America on Thursday, April 16, 2020
bungalow (p.6): small horse
burlap (p. 8): strong, rough material
spire (p.14): pointed top on a building
wIndow washer’s belt (p. 16): special belt used by window washers to safely secure themselves to a building
opera (p. 16): theater play in which most or all of the words are sung
gramophone (p. 16): record player; music player
soaring (p. 19): rising very high
curious (p. 21): strange or different (in this context)
plans (p. 22): drawings that show how to build something (in this context)
wlnd-load test (p. 27): test to make sure buildings are strong and safe
marvel (p. 28): look at with surprise and wonder